
I was just leaving



6 Years
04-01-2018, 04:46 PM
Playing follow the leader was all well and good, but she did want to use this opportunity to try and learn something about these wolves. Her chance came after the woman, who introduced herself as Razi, began asking questions. Iskra would have to word her reply carefully. They were getting ever closer to her herbs, so time was limited, though that might be a good thing depending on how the rest of this interaction went.

"Why? Like I said, I have no business with you. I wasn't part of Talis long enough to mourn it's fall to the degree others would. The only thing I might begrudge is your newly crowned leader roughing up Dragon in the process of taking the pack, but it was a mostly fair fight so it would be illogical to hold too much of a grudge for that anyways." It was mostly true. She didn't mourn Talis' loss like others, and she didn't have reason to begrudge an official challenge forever, no, but she did still have some ill-will lurking beneath the surface. Call it a sense of righteous indignation, but seeing these baddies keep winning and knowing that they had now claimed two packs for reasons she still didn't fully understand... Well, that didn't sit right with her at all.

As they raced through the trees, Iskra took careful note of her surroundings. The terrain was a bit hazardous to run through at high speeds simply because it was wooded and riddled with potential obstacles, but it was still lovely. Personally, she liked lands that were the easiest for it's inhabitants to navigate and difficult for outsiders to fare well in. Those were great, cause in order to pass through them safely and regularly you had to really work at learning the lay of the land like the back of your paw. "Besides, despite my lengthy absence from Auster, I still intend to make good on my deal with your Nephew. He's offered me a favor in return for some assistance." she said, keeping it vague on purpose. Whether or not Razi would approve of the younger Abraxas male offering up unspecified favors to wolves he didn't know, well- okay, she would hazard a guess that such actions might not be taken too well by the rest of his kin. Whether Iskra explained her lack of hard feelings or not, she assumed it would take a while to overcome any mistrust they may have simply because of what side she'd sat on during the challenge.

Her explanation of the deal apparently didn't satisfy, so Iskra slowed and shrugged a rosey shoulder. "I told him I'd help him gather herbs and tell him all the best places to find and gather them in exchange for a favor of my choosing. I didn't think he'd actually agree, but he did, so now I'm making good on my end."