
I was just leaving



5 Years
Extra large
04-01-2018, 05:36 PM
Razi kept on the trail, though she listened intently to Iskra's reply. She supposed the response was satisfactory,it at least made enough sense to Razi for her not to press much more. If Iskra didn't want to hate them for taking her home, Razi certainly wasn't going to be the one to convince her to feel otherwise accidentally or not. "I suppose I understand." she mumbled absently as a means of closing off the topic.

Iskra mentioned the deal again, but her words didn't really reveal much of anything. Razi glanced back and shook her head, "Not good enough, tell me more." it wasn't a request that was open for debate. She was getting good at giving orders rather than just asking. Perhaps her new rank was a contributing factor in this newfound change in her demeanor.

When Iskra elaborated, Razi slowed further, eyes narrowing and ears flicking to the sides as she pondered the other woman's words. A favor of Iskra's choosing, hm? That didn't sound like something Razi herself would agree to. Of course, if Iskra had been gone a long time like she said then maybe Malleus wasn't the one tasked with watching over the Risen Empire in Amon's absence. She probably didn't know about that at all if she wasn't in Auster, especially since as far as Razi knew only members of both empires knew of the change in leadership. As the drew closer to the river Razi would decline to speak further on the topic, quickly locating a surprisingly large bundle that matched Iskra's description.

Pointing to the bundle, Razi called, "Hurry up and get it slowpoke, before the river rises up and snatches it away." Of course the river was a fair distance away, but Razi wouldn't mind helping it reach if the mood struck her... Once the red woman appeared hot on her heels and collected her things, Razi would wave her tail in a farewell gesture. "It was interesting meeting you, Iskra. Maybe I'll see you again sometime." And with that, she was off to continue her explorations on her own, and perhaps to discuss what she'd learned with Ashiel and get his take on what this all might mean.

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