
Among The Lilacs and Lilies



4 Years
Extra large
04-03-2018, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 04-03-2018, 08:21 PM by Branch.)

His eyes curiously watched her as her attention landed on a different plant. His ears perked wondering what she was focused on and what it’s properties were. Then her words were spoken and he held a breath for a moment. She wanted to know more, but she was being respectful and not forcing him to speak. Branch had never really spoken much on his family history to outsiders, but he would have to learn to. If he was going to try and create a pack others would surely ask the same question to him. She then offered for him to ask a question of her if he did answer. His tail wagged, it seemed fair enough to him so why not?

”My family for centuries have been living in a world of constant travel since the clan started, never settling and never finding a true safe spot to thrive. It was rough and there was years that we either thrived or rapidly declined in numbers. When the clan started it was three sisters trading their knowledge of herbs and healing for food, mates, and places to stop and rest. Since more wolves were integrated into the clan trading expanded to trinkets that were found, food, and various training in skills that we could trade for safe passage or a few days rest near well established packs. Growing up that way was fun and exciting because I was always in new territory, but it was dangerous and my clan was starting with a depression when I had left. I originally brought the idea of establishing a pack to the current ruling sisters, but they are set in their ways and told me it would never work, that all it would bring is war and death instead of peace and happiness,” He was giving her the key points since his family history was so long and drawn out, not wanting to bore her with everything. ”Despite what the elders said I want to try to create a pack without war, one of trade that forms useful relationships with other packs that won’t be of the normal ones. I know it may be hopeless, but if I can convince other packs that mine will not be any thread, but instead helpful to their survival it could work.”

He continued to look to her wondering what her thoughts were. Would she feel the same way as the elder sisters and think he was mad for trying? Or would she think it would be at all possible? He was focused on what she may have to say and for a moment forgetting that she said he could ask her a question, but soon it floated to the front of his mind.

”If you don’t mind me asking was any of those three territories something special to you? I noticed you got a little quiet when I mentioned them, I certainly don’t want to ruin places that are fond to someone,” he said being completely sincere about the subject.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'