
I'll eat you whole


07-05-2013, 10:19 PM

He managed to pull the offending bastard up off Alena, injuring him severely in the process, but the remaining wolves had taken the ivory man's attention. He needed to take these idiots out before they could hurt Alena further. He needed to protect her. And he would, even if it cost him his life, he would protect her until the very end. His attention had been completely engrossed in his own battle with the attackers, having been able to dispatch one while disorienting the last two. Unsure if his companion had been able to dispatch her own two attackers Demonio whirled back towards her, lips curled back in a snarl as he realized that her two attackers now lied dead around her. He allowed his mismatched gaze to rake across her smaller figure, noticing the severe wounds to her shoulder, adding the pain from the injury to her right hind leg. She was hurt bad. He didn't know how much longer she would be able to last in the fight if the bastards managed to grab another good hold on her. Mismatched gems flickered to her amethyst ones for a moment before he took off, charging towards the two incoming attackers, ramming his broad shoulder into the closest one, nape extending to snap towards the second wolf, looking to keep the attention of the two on him and hopefully away from Alena.

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