
Oh! What a Sight


07-05-2013, 10:30 PM

Pain gripped at her heart like a plague even though she didn't let it show through her thick skin. The gray and black girl sat at the waters edge, her sear green eyes reflected in the water. Eren was in a whole other world of her own oblivious to her surroundings. An echo being heard through the cave, she was singing a lullaby into the beach walls.
"Nennen korori yo, Okorori yo.
Bōya wa yoi ko da, Nenne shina~

Bōya no omori wa, Doko e itta?
Ano yama koete, Sato e itta.

Sato no miyage ni, Nani morotta?
Denden taiko ni, Shō no fue."

Her vocal cords ringing with the cool melody of the nursery ryhme. One her mother would sing to her siblings, but never her, since Eren had such good observation skills she had learned the song quickly. Why she remembered it, she didn't know, but she did and she was singing it now. She was visiting a place that reminded her of the jungle, and she was going on her survival but she wasn't even sure if it was the right thing to do.
Eren suddenly perked her ears towards the sound of soft pawsteps. They sounded the same, as was the scent the same. Was she giving up to some sort of hallucination now or had someone she had considered a friend come here to this free land? She turned her head. "I don't know who in their right mind would be out at this hour, but now that you're here you might as well come out."
Eren said in a clear tone. Though it held no hostility in it what so ever. She sighed and sat back against the wall looking at the water.

[ooc: check here for the lullaby it has translation and the melody]