
I Can Do It All By Myself (Jouko)



3 Years
04-04-2018, 10:04 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2018, 08:51 PM by Kahaia. Edit Reason: table )
OOC: So the goal is to collect some herbs (Dandelions & Marigold specifically) and mix a concoction.

Kahaia was finally a yearling and had spent her time as a such doing what most every almost-adult wants to do. Exploring and learning of course. Since she had long departed from the pack that so lovingly took her in, she had been practicing skills they made their best attempt at teaching her. However, our little flower was not that great at listening, often drifting away in her thoughts. Still, one skill that especially stuck with her, was healing. She was always fascinated by how their tribe used plants to heal wounds and ailments. It was hard to believe that all you had to do was crush something up and eat it to help solve your problems. But our girl had seen it with her own eyes!

She'd spent almost the entire summer looking around for herbs such as Wintergreen and Ginseng Root and had no luck. Her main problem was remembering where to look for them. She could have sworn Ginseng Root preferred to be in the sunlight, but maybe she heard wrong? Or was she thinking of a different herb altogether?  Anyway, Kahaia figured she'd revert back to the basics. Easy herbs that were plentiful. Lass wanted something useful to carry around with her, something she could use to help cure peoples wounds. The most basic mixture she could think of was a combination of Dandelion and Marigold.

One thing she did remember was Dandelion could be used for more than just digestive problems and appetite. It could also be applied topically for joint pain, bruising, and inflammation. Pairing that with Marigold, whose petals can be applied topically as well to heal burns and cuts, would be a perfect concoction for someone with a few injuries from hunting or fighting. She may even be able to prove herself useful to a few packs and make some alliances for future trades. Oh, that would be something, alliances with packs also meant learning more! Learning about culture, language, and maybe even a few of their healers could give her a few pointers!

Motivation to succeed was at an all-time high. Kahaia kept her eyes peeled, but there was so much lush foliage around. So many plants and herbs, she was starting to forget what Marigold looked like. While it was easy to remember what Dandelion looked like, she was having trouble seeing any! So many flowers and weeds, how was she gonna tell the difference? Kahaia was starting to grow weary, disappointed in herself. Huff escaped her maw as she looked around more, snout pressed to the ground. Maybe they would smell different, more like medicine. The girl was determined to do this and confident enough to believe she could do it all on her own.