
40 Days


04-04-2018, 11:49 AM
Ooc// I soooo did not forget about this >.> <.<

He shifted uncomfortably on his paws, gaze flicking from her to the ground, back to her and then trying to find somewhere else to look. He felt so...awkward. Did he help her? Or should he just leave and let her stew in whatever she was feeling by herself? She was injured, and despite his uncomfortable feeling, he simply couldn't just leave her by herself. She was bigger than him yes, but what if something even bigger came around and got her while she was wounded? He couldn't forgive himself if that happened.

Opening his mouth to say something, the words stuck in his throat so he shut it again. A moment later, he made to speak again, "I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but...It doesn't have to be, does it? I can help you with yours paws, and get you some food...after that I'll leave you alone if you want." There. The offer was out on the table. Would she refuse? He knew pride could be a fickle thing, but she didn't exactly seem to be in a position to refuse help.