
wouldn't you



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-05-2018, 08:52 AM

Tornach's menagerie had grown exponentially with the spring and summer births. He could not possibly care for them all over the winter on his own, and the hares especially were prone to chewing through the wicker-woven cages if they were hungry enough to try escape. The only reason they weren't escaping all the time as it was, was because they were satiated by the grasses in the moveable pen and the grains he collected over the summer for them and the birds. He'd helped that a little by pressing clay into the bottom third of the big wicker domes so they couldn't chew as easily, but if he didn't keep them well supplied with grains over the winter that clay wouldn't stop them.

So it was definitely time to start thinking about culling them. Unfortunately the weather here wasn't cooperative. It simply wasn't cold enough even with autumn here for the meat to freeze solid enough to store, so Tornach was somewhat at a loss as to what to do with it all to keep from wasting it. If he could get the wolves in the packs around Boreas to show interest, he could trade it to them... but his last attempt at a trade fair had been a miserable failure.

Lounging in the meager shade thrown by the woven-sapling fence holding in his elk, with his falcon friend perched atop it, Tornach observed them thoughtfully to see which young bulls he could feasibly take down alone. The elk were used to his presence and with Aiden's help he could usually gently herd one to the side pen where he could kill it without frightening the rest of the group, but even relatively docile as they were from being raised around him, a large and healthy male elk could be dangerous.

Walk, "Talk" Think

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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