
deartháir mo dheartháir



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
04-05-2018, 11:22 AM
It was rare indeed for Tornach to leave his little farm on the range for very long, but it had been... well, at least a year now, since he'd last seen any of his family. That hadn't exactly been a social occasion anyway, since it consisted of Regulus bringing him an injured rape victim in need of help. As he always did when he exercised his healing knowledge, Tornach felt a sense of responsibility for his patient, and having had no word of her in the time since then had him... uneasy. Same with not hearing from his family in so long. Too often long absences meant that something new and terrible had happened to his family in the interim.

So, leaving Aiden to guard the herds (with the proper application of beak and talons she could likely drive most any predator off an attempt at stealing one of his tame-ish prey beasts) he set off at a brisk travel pace for the west. Travelling without the falcon scouting overhead felt odd, but her presence was needed more at home than with him.

So he was taken completely by surprise when he came across a wall of stacked stone that he was very certain hadn't been here when he'd been growing up. He stopped to sniff and paw at it curiously. Interesting - he wondered if Regulus had based it on his own less permanent attempts at fencing, or if he had found the idea elsewhere. And what else could be built of stacked stones? Was there some way of making them stick together better to build a more sturdy structure? He would need to experiment with this idea more on his own. For now, though, he had visiting to do.

Regulus had told him previously that he need not worry about stopping at the border, but he wasn't going to take the risk of a new member of the pack coming upon him unexpectedly, or someone not recognizing him after so long away. After all, he didn't exactly resemble Regulus in any way except his height and eyes, and there were a lot of tall, blue eyed wolves out there who weren't Adravendis. He certainly didn't resemble small, albino Baine despite being her littermate, either, and he wasn't sure what his three younger siblings had grown to look like. So he lifted his muzzle and sang out for his brother or any other member of his family to announce his presence there.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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