
wouldn't you



4 Years
Extra large
04-05-2018, 11:52 AM

Today he headed towards the range in hopes to explore and find something worth while there. So far since he had arrived he had spend his time primarily in Weeping woods, tall grass plains, & Veteren's Plateau. The woods is where he had settled and begun the task of making his storage dens, the plains had been his main hunting spot, and the Plateau had been a treasure hunters paradise. He liked the south even if he hadn't done much exploring in other areas of Boreas. He had met a few faces so far and he was still as ambitious as ever to build the pack.

His bag flopped against his left elbow as he moved, making it's contents stir around and bang into each other. He had some fruit in there from the orchard, but he also had some metal things he had collected from the plateau. With it now being autumn he figured it was best to start stocking up for the winter so that he would be able to survive and continue to work through his plans for the pack. He didn't meet anyone willing to join yet, but he knew there was more wolves out there to meet and hopefully he would find some willing members.

He neared the range and came upon a sight that he wasn't sure if it was real or not. His jaw dropped in astonishment as the woven fence and woven baskets came into view. Prey of all kinds stored and thriving, something that he truly felt was amazing. Who and what had done this job, he wondered as he stopped staring in awe. He didn't want to get any of the game stirred up, but he wanted to find out who had done all this. For a while he stood with his mouth agape before he slowly moved forward, careful not to stir anything up. Then he saw a tall dark form near a larger fence holding elk. This must be the one who had done all of this, Branch smiled his tail wagging.

"Hello," he gently called out, still not wanting to spook anything.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'