
wouldn't you



3 Years
04-05-2018, 07:12 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2018, 09:37 PM by Vivienne.)
The rose bring, a sweet scent. With the pain of there thorns.

The goddess walked gracefully her aud, curving sharply and facing towards the water. The cold liquid fighting to reach her paws, she gave a great leap to land far from the river. She faced it with a unworthy lash of her tail, glaring madly at the liquid. She gave a loud growl like, sigh her limbs gliding gingerly across the ground soundless every step her toes spread and curved with the ground not even crunching the weakest of leaves. As she did so her hips shifted and shoulders rolled, her crown tilted to the right so her silhouette looked royal. She then looked around her eyes shimmering, before she arched her tail over her spine and gave a cute sigh. She then began to study the sounds and looks of these world, was it worthy of these goddess presences. As she grew bored of these abyss, she began to grow grumpy. She felt depressed, Oh no, not another episode! she thought with a lash, of unease. Her silhouette tensed as these happened, she felt a urge to cut herself or kill something. Bloodlust took over her, overwhelming power surge though her. Her nape bristles as she curved her crown downwards, and felt a overhaul of aggression pace though her blood tip of her auds to the tip of, her tail. Blood pounded in her auds, heartbeat going faster than a humming birds wings. She lashed her tail for balance as she began to feel, in need of sleeping but she knew she would just blackout and be token over by the voices inside her mind. Yelling at her to go asleep, she let out a frosted growl. As the episode began to fade, in which made her give a meek smile.

As she headed in a hurry, as if to run from her episode she broke of into a silent run. Her legs crossing gingerly, as she jumps over a bolder. Her auds swerving backwards as she then, landed inti a rushed stop. Loud voices came to her reach, and she let out a sigh. She padded towards the sounds, and gave out a voice.

she called out with a bark, her eyes filled with hope.
