
Among The Lilacs and Lilies



4 Years
Extra large
04-05-2018, 10:01 PM
Her smile was contagious and he couldn’t help to let a smile of his own spread on his face. She was happy that he agreed and although he didn’t know what all the process was he was eager to learn about it and to be there for her during this time. He knew it had to be extremely difficult since this was her own mother she had to lay to rest and he had no idea what kind of emotional roller coaster she must have been on. It didn’t seem like she had any other family either since no one else had been mentioned. How hard that must be to be unwillingly on your own, but if she chose to at any point he would stay by her side and make sure she wasn’t alone. Though he didn’t want to come out and say it and be a creep either. All he could do was just let her decide on how things went.

When she looked away he found his blue gaze looking out into the prairie seeing that time had gotten ahead of them. It was funny that things only felt like they had been mere minutes, but in reality it was hours. They had swiftly passed time together and he was a bit reluctant to face the fact that it would come to an end, but he still could look forward to seeing her again to learn of her shrine ritual so today’s end wasn’t all that bad. She then moved close inspecting the inside of his bag at the bundles they have collected, it looked like plenty, but she was more experienced and would know how much of a stock was needed. Her words made him chuckle, yes they could honestly pick it dry of herbs, but it would take a while.

”Yes we better, other healers need them also so we can’t be greedy,” he replied with a smile before she went on about the plans for thier next meeting. ”It sounds like a good plan to me I’ll get to work on getting these herbs properly stored once I get back and will look for you in a few days and thank you again for your help on gathering, we should do this again at some point.”