
Couldn't Stay Away [Joining]



3 Years
04-05-2018, 10:14 PM
Amos let out a breath he didn’t recall holding as Regulus responded. His chest tightened and his serious expression melted instantly back into his usual happy grin, tail beating the air wildly. He suppressed a gleeful hollar that threatened to erupt from his chest. Nodding firmly was the best he could do. There was extra bounce to his gait as he moved to follow Regulus.

His gaze flickered over to Aurielle as she congratulated him. The pull to brag a bit was there, but he decided to rein his ego in a bit in case it was thoroughly checked in this spar to come. ”Thank you ‘rielle.” Now time to see if his trend of success would continue.

As she hopped up onto the large rock off to the side, Amos turned back to Regulus. A quick assessment of the area had him thinking it was a pretty great spot for a spar. It smelled of many scents, was this where they gathered? Might be a good place to know then.

Returning his mismatched eyes to Regulus, he nodded sharply, rolling his shoulders in preparation. ”Quite.” he said. He settled into readying his defenses, head and tail aligning with his spine, legs moving to settle equally spaced beneath him, knees bending slightly to lower his center of gravity, chin tucking over his throat. Next, he’d pin his ears, narrow his eyes, and lift his lips into a snarl that maintained a hint of that smile that never seemed to leave his features for long. Then he shot forward, moving with quick, measured strides.

The boy sought to move in an arc around Regulus’ right side, flying in at an angle and pace that suggested intent to slam his chest into Regulus’ right flank, however, as he drew closer Amos’ head lowered and his jaws parted, aiming to bite Reg’s hind right leg above the stifle near where it met the flank. His head tilted left so his upper jaw would aim for the outer portion of the leg while the lower jaw hoped to find purchase on the inside closer to his opponents belly. He hoped to get a decent grip with his fangs, but leaving some moderate lacerations would do too.

At the same time the boy shifted his weight to his other three legs as his right front paw would shoot forward and to the right, aiming to scratch the inside of Regulus’ left hind leg near the meaty inner thigh and leave light lacerations in it's wake.

Amos vs Regulus for Spar
Round 1/3
Height: 36”
Build: heavy
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]