
I'll eat you whole


07-05-2013, 11:31 PM

Despite thinking that she should've stayed away from the fight, given the fact that she was clearly more injured than he, he was glad that she was willing to help again, taking on the second wolf, giving him the chance to focus on his opponent. His right shoulder rammed into his opponent's right one as well, the solid hit echoing through the ivory man's massive frame, but he didn't have time to think about it. Sharpened daggers tore into the bottom of his neck on the left side, just above where his shoulder met his chest. They dug into his flesh, piercing his thick hide, drawing blood. A snarl ripped past his gaping jaws, the jaws that were now coming down on the idiot's vulnerable throat, fangs piercing the delicate skin, closing around his jugular vein, closing with one powerful close of his maw, severing the artery completely. Demonio pulled back taking that section of the brute's neck with him, spraying blood all over the place, staining his once pristine porcelain locks. Forepaws pushed the dying body away from him, jowls spitting back the useless piece of meat back to the carcass, blood-lusting gaze flickering to the opponent that Alena had managed to injure but not successfully kill. She was weakening. This needed to end now.

He waited until she backed off away from the other man before barreling himself into the rogue's side, knocking the bastard off his feet, his darker body sliding against the ground as Demonio drove him into the dirt, jaws snapping towards the other's throat. His opponent scratched at him, talons raking across the ivory man's chest and legs, but having no affect on him. Right forepaw came down, slamming with a good amount of force down on the man's muzzle, pinning him to the ground, jaws lunging for his throat. The rogue squirmed beneath his larger form, but it was to no avail. The warrior ripped the last trachea out with a satisfying, wet rip, spitting the useless organ out beside the carcass, turning away from it to glance back at Alena, crimson dotting his once ivory frame. It was over.

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