
What Hurts The Most


5 Years
Athena I
07-05-2013, 11:35 PM

She was grateful that her friend understood that she couldn't go with him right away, but could see that he didn't want to leave just yet. Meili listened to his request and was about to insist that he go be with his family, but she knew she couldn't refuse that pleading gaze of his. Just seeing him looking at her like that broke her heart. Her gaze softened and she gave another tender lick to the tip of his nose. "Okay, okay, I'll stay," She told him, a smile touching her muzzle. She couldn't deny him the simple request of her spending the night with him. She appreciated the company either way, especially since it was the company of her Gael.

She brushed her muzzle affectionately against his cheek, feeling her heart beat faster from the simple touch. Even though she was two years older than the young wolf, she was just as inexperienced with these feelings as he was. She only remembered half of her life and in that year and a half she hadn't met any wolf that she had felt this way for or that affected her the way he did. "Are you as overwhelmed by all these feelings as I am?" she asked softly, her teal gaze looking into his affectionately. A deep blush crossed her face and her ears folded down shyly while the corners of her mouth curled up in a smile.
