
A Practice Dummy! Uh, I Mean...

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-06-2018, 09:33 PM

His one eye never left the girl as she stood up, standing tall with the pride of an alpha despite her immaculately small size. He narrowed his gaze, his impish ears coming forward to listen to her as she started to circle around his form, eyeing him like he was some criminal in question. He would have felt incredibly offended had this been any other wolf, as he had his fair share of encounters with wolves that seemed to want a piece of him- he had the scars to prove it. However, he couldn't help but think how fucking undeniably cute she was trying to be big and bad while she circled around him, poking her nose at him quite daringly.

Had she never been taken advantage of before? Ever? How was it that he had come across so many willing to beat the fuck out of him when he was her age, and she stood here with the audacity of a big ass lion walking among mere wolves. He shifted some, a grimace scorning his face and causing him to involuntarily bare his teeth until the pain subsided. He lifted his eye up to her as she spoke, sarcasm and superiority dripping from every word. He scoffed, a smirk curving on his lips as he continued to listen.

He tried to think of how to go with this conversation, whether or not to be honest with her or to be easy on her. He thought back to his first meeting with Tyranis, and how he had to tell the boy to be careful when they were hiding in the caverns, surrounded by potential predators. He hadn't been easy on Ty, why would he be easy on her? Because she was a cute girl? Heh.

"I wasn't even aware wolves came in snack size, and I only stopped because I noticed you weren't a fox right before I caught up to you- and you're lucky I'm not starving to the point where I would want to eat you anyway. Buddy." There you go, Kane. Tell her how it is, put her in her place! He would grin, satisfied with himself as he looked at her. He didn't have much experience with girls, truth be told- but some part of him hoped he hadn't been too mean and risked driving her away. Wait, what the fuck? Since when did he care if someone stuck around? He swallowed his curiosity as hard as he could for the time being and put it in the back of his mind.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?