
A Practice Dummy! Uh, I Mean...



3 Years
04-06-2018, 10:27 PM

Kahaia stared ay him, grimace painted across her own muzzle. Why the hell was he staring at her like that? Wait, was there something on her face? Oh, nevermind, he was finally talking! What came from the man next, Kahaia was highly offended by. Snack-size, fox? She was a force to be reckoned with and if this brute couldn't recognize that, well then his own mistake. Still, she could feel tears threatening at his words resonated in her mind. What the fuck was his problem and just who did he think he was? Well, she would have none of his little attitude. No, sir. Tears still welling, the girl's face was all twisted up. She had to turn and look away from him to let the tears fall before she could face him again.

Delicate paw lifted and she jabbed him in the left shoulder. Yeah, that oughta show him. "I don't know who you think you are, or who you think I am but I am a healer! I could have had you all fixed up in no time but you had to go and have an attitude!" Her voice was breaking at this point, she had to pause to sniffle. "I am not snack size, and I am not a fox. I am a wolf, and I could tear you up any day! Actually, a better idea would be to leave you here for the vultures to pick at. Maybe they'll take that other eye of yours." What would come next from her mouth would definitely be unexpected from the girl, by this point her voice was raised to almost a scream. "Is that what you want? To be a blind, stupid dead guy? Well, see if I help you!"

Now the girl was bawling crying, but still trying to remain strong. She turned away without saying much else to the brute. Let him think that she was going to really leave him. He deserved to think about his own mistakes, unable to do anything to stop her from walking away. If he were to call out for her, the girl would simply ignore it. Besides, she wasn't really going to leave him. As much as she wanted to, her heart wouldn't let her, but she was for sure gonna let him think she was. No, the girl was off to collect the herbs she needed to fix him up. She figured a topical mixture of marigold and dandelion would do the trick. So she was off to look. Once she was far enough away that he couldn't see her, she'd start on her search.

Dandelions would be the easiest to find, as they were spread across the meadow. So she picked a few and moved on to the search for marigold, where she'd find in moist, loamy soil. That would be a little harder, but she could manage. After only what seemed like ages of searching she finally found a cluster of it and picked one or two, being sure there was plenty of petals on each. Girl would take her time walking back, sitting down for a moment to relax. While she did, she noticed a large leaf that had fallen, though it was still live. It would be perfect to use for the paste as it was still fresh and flexible, so she dropped her herbs in the center of it and set it in front of her. She would give it a few more minutes before finally heading back, that should have been more than enough time to let the rude patient sulk in silence.