
I'm still yearning for your touch


07-05-2013, 11:47 PM

He was in a very delicate emotional state right now. His body was screaming with pain, demanding vengeance, demanding blood and he was more than willing to heed to its demands, to give in the lust for blood that was burning hotter than hell's deepest pit. But his hock, it was hurting like a mother fucker. The bastard had managed to only nick it, but fuck damn, that shit hurt like a mother fucking bitch. It would probably feel better in the morning once he got some rest, but for the moment it was painful as hell. Despite the raging pain, the gargantuan didn't let on, keeping the pain away from his facial features, careful as to not let his body language give anything away, although he knew Cata had probably seen it already. She wasn't exactly stupid and she was quite the observer when she needed to. She knew her brother better than anyone, so it was rather hard to try and hide things from her, but that didn't mean that he was going to come crying to her everything he got into a fight with someone else and tell her all the details. It wasn't like she really cared anyway.

I'm not as fucking stupid as you think. You think I can't smell it on you? That packs scent? Her words took on a similar quality like his, though they weren't threatening enough to push him to the point of hurting her. She was walking a fine line with him, and so far she was staying on the right side of that line. For now anyways. Well? came her expectant voice again. That simple little phrase would've been all the fuel he needed to go after her, hurt leg or not, but not even a second later she brushed up against him, pushing her shoulder into his chest, giving him the briefest of nuzzles, something not common from the silvery vixen. Her unexpected touch soothe the raging storm within the gargantuan man, settling it down to a hot simmer, lids falling closed over cyan gems as he spoke. I went after this white bitch and it turns out she was part of her pack. Her little pack mates came to rescue her, along with this fucking horse. I got into with them and the darker man was able to nick my hock. After that I bounced. She wasn't worth my fucking time anymore. Lids peeled back, fiery cyan gems flaring down towards his sister, his the low simmer beginning to bubble again as he replayed the scene in his mind.

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