
Couldn't Stay Away [Joining]



12 Years
Extra large
04-06-2018, 10:34 PM

The Archangel smiled as the boy began settling into his defenses, a mental chuckle rippling through the back of his mind at the hint of a smile that still beamed through the faux snarl on Amos’ face. All this as he shifted his paws subtly, forepaws settling equidistant beneath his shoulders, and his good leg – the left hind leg – shifting to take a balanced position further beneath his hips. His tail flicked out level with his spine as his head lowered to a level with his shoulders.

The toes of his three good legs flexed to spread for further balance and traction on the soil as his claws sank into the ground, and his shoulder blades rolled forward to guard his lower neck. His chin tucked neatly to cover his throat, jaws slightly parting as his eyes narrowed to protective slits in a face that wrinkled in a silent snarl, ears flattening into a scruff bristling with lifted hackles that extended the full length and breadth of his spine from head to tail.

He allowed Amos to bound forward, but as the boy sought to circle around to Regulus’ right side, the Crimson Archangel sought to swing his front end swiftly around to his right, aiming to meet the boy face to face, pivoting sharply on his left hind paw, the toes of his right hind paw trailing in the dust as he let his elbows and left hock bend slightly to allow for better movement and lower his center of gravity slightly.

As Amos’ jaws snaked toward him, Regulus sought to counter the boy’s bite as his jaws parted and his head twisted to his left and he strove to tangle his jaws with Amos’, seeking to grapple the boy’s muzzle in his own jaws and gain a firm grip—upper canines seeking to hook over the top right side of Amos’ muzzle, his lower canines seeking to hook around the lower left side of Amos' muzzle. Due to Regulus’ movements to face him, Amos’ paw completely missed its mark.

Simultaneously he sought to thrust his bulk and power forward, seeking to stagger the boy as he sought to crash the bony point of his left shoulder into Amos’ chest, aiming for the hollow where the point of Amos’ right shoulder melded with his right pectoral muscle, hoping to moderately bruise and distract the boy with a throbbing pain.

His tail flicked out behind him for balance as his weight shifted to his two good legs, his right foreleg snapping up and slamming down, aiming for the boy’s left front paw, seeking to bruise the toes, though he pulled his strength for the stomp.

He had no intention of sabotaging Amos’ bid for the rank; however, he wanted to see how innovative the boy was, and how well his counters and reactions would be performed if he got into a tight situation.

-:: Regulus vs Amos for Legionary Test Spar ::-
Round 1/3

Height: 42"

Build: Heavy

Extra Notes: Let's get this party started! Let's knock some rust off these ol' bones :D

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: T8yHvja.png]