
Look who's back!



6 Years
04-06-2018, 11:56 PM
She sat, tail curled around her paws in a relaxed gesture as she waited for the man she sought to arrive. In all honesty, she was kind of nervous about this whole thing. Sure, she hadn't taken that long to return, but it was long enough. Surely he wouldn't forget their deal? No, of course not - it was a deal with her, and Iskra was by definition unforgettable. Or, she liked to think so anyway.

He was rather punctual, she'd give him that. Malleus didn't take all that long to show his mottled hide after she summoned him. Wouldn't save him from her giving him shit, though. A smile just wide enough to expose her pristine ivory fangs played at her lips, blue eyes gazing up at the taller wolf through her lashes. "Took you long enough. Glad you didn't go and forget about me. Woulda been a shame." Leaning back on her haunches a little, she assessed him for a moment before replying. He looked well enough. Not like he had sustained any injuries, and he was well fed.

A look best described as cheeky washed over her as she replied in mock indignation, "Why, I'd never dare to disappoint so spectacularly as that. Honestly, my accomplishments are fairly impressive in my own opinion - considering I'm hardly a healer. Perhaps next time - if you're interested in further business - we can find a job that's a little more my style. All in due time, though, as I come bearing gifts and I'm eager to share them." Iskra nosed at the bundle at her paws, beginning to unwrap it by pulling at the leather that held her cargo safely in it's embrace. Glancing up briefly, she eyed Malleus after his cursory glance at the land behind her. "Looking for someone?" she asked with a quirked brow before dropping it and setting back to work. She could hazard a guess at what he might be thinking. 'Not to worry, bringing backup requires an amount of forethought I'm rather incapable of.' she thought with a quiet snort.

Before opening the bundle entirely, she'd move to sit with a paw keeping it from rolling open, eyeing the man silently for a moment before chirping, "Ready to see? Are you dying of excitement?" Maybe she was a little over dramatic with the whole thing, but it was long-standing habit for Iskra to act more ridiculous when her mind threatened to let her get tense. This was a moment where she couldn't afford to let that happen. Fake it till you make it, right?