
Oblivion Abyss


04-07-2018, 12:13 AM

Out-of-Character Name: Bear
Age: 13

Character's Name: Oblivion Abyss
Character Age: 2
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
Appearance Description:
[Image: U6VquDU.jpg]
These dignity weighs a astonishing 160lbs, and stands at 36". There form has only two main colors that is a blossoming orange, and a deep mud brown. The orange seems to glow as it begins to flood up there limbs, forming high socks on there front limbs. The back limbs, cut off early and blend a little harder giving it a smeared look. On the back of there elbows the orange reappears, before there tail curls separating it the tail is mostly brown with the tip dipped, in the bright orange. There fur then turns brown again as it glides, over it. Then as it reaches his stomach the orange decided to take, cover under the there underside. As you follow the orange up there form, it then let the brown peer out, so it glazes the maw, before the orange takes over once more. It covers most of there face, the orange brings out there bright blue eyes. The orange then laces around there neck, and stops at there shoulder blades. The dignity's fur very's in length but is mostly, very long and thick they was built for the cold.
Skills: Intellectual, and Fighter

Proof of Purchases: Link!!! :3