
A Practice Dummy! Uh, I Mean...

Kane I


Dire wolf
04-08-2018, 01:01 AM (This post was last modified: 04-08-2018, 01:08 AM by Kane I.)

He had just settled into his make-shift nest inside of the reeds when she came bounding back to their spot. It wasn't too far into the reeds that she wouldn't be able to see him had she'd known where he'd fallen, and she did. His shoulder hurt too bad to let him really waste the energy moving any further, and the reeds only covered so much land before they hit the water. His figure was quite noticeable if someone was looking for him, and as she looked at him and started her chewing- he looked back to her. He wanted to smile, watching her chew with such determination.. he was relieved, in all honesty, that she had come back. She didn't have to, but she did.. and by herself.

Did she go hunt these herbs down herself? He suddenly realized that perhaps this girl was alone like he was. That would explain what took her so long, though he was just happy that she had gone through all of the trouble.. even after he'd insulted her. He didn't understand why she did it, but as she barked her orders he found himself compelled to listen. He shifted his weight with another hissing grimace and presented his shoulder to her, sitting in his haunches there in the reeds. She just a little over half his height, coming up to his chest only barely and it made him smirk some as she continued to behave so fearlessly around him. She applied the leaf and he felt like it was loose, at risk of falling off but she applied more pressure and he winced, trying his best not to make a sound while he let her do her work.

As she stared, he thought over her words. Maybe she did know what she was doing, and at such a young age? He was slightly impressed, though he was still collecting his thoughts and trying to assess what he should think about her. And he was thinking about her. "It's Kane... and I believe it does, thank you." His voice was smoothed out of all it's sarcasm that he had filled it with earlier when he spoke to her, his single eye looking at her softly and with appreciation. He shifted, testing the leaf and it appeared to have adhered after his time of remaining still.

With the marigold working to reduce the inflammation, and.. maybe a little because of the fact that she was here to watch him, he felt obligated to take the opportunity now to finally set his shoulder and get it on the right road to recovery. He stood up, gently moving around her to get out of the reads as he kept his weight off his front left leg. He limped back to the place in the grass where he had fallen and turned around until he found firm ground. Finally, he placed down his left paw and tested his weight on it a bit.. getting a feel for the way his muscles were wrongly placed. It hurt like hell, but he was able to test his body and figure out where to go from here. His right paw moved to come down on his left after his back limbs squared out to support the odd posture. He twisted his torso, jerking his neck suddenly and the incredibly grotesque sound of his bones snapping back into place and muscles shifting filled the quiet night air.

He groaned, but.. the leaf seemed to remain intact, adhered to his fur and with it, relief soon followed now that his shoulder was back in the right place. Soreness radiated from the area, but it wasn't quite like the pain from before where every move felt like knives. He looked over at her curiously and sat back down on his haunches, his barreled chest presented quite proudly as his scarred muzzle pointed toward her. "You're out here in the west.. are you of any families from here? Maybe even in Lirim? I'm curious as to where you learned to practice healing, you seem to know what you're doing." He quieted down, his ears folding backward as he thought and watched her. Hopefully, that made up for him insulting her earlier and calling her a fox.

When you're taught to love everyone,
To love your enemies,
Then what value does that place on love?