
Come Break Me Down... I Am Finished With You



2 Years
04-08-2018, 02:50 AM
Maple had made a grave mistake.

Swimming out here had been difficult, but not impossible when the weather had held back a few days ago. Unfortunately, shortly after her arrival, the storm came in and the wildly thrashing waves prevented the tiny pale woman from swimming away from this place. It was dark, full of jagged peaks and bad weather unlike any other place she'd visited before. What a way to spend her time after turning two. Drenched from rain that poured off and on, cold, and hungry. What a miserable creature she looked like, too. Dirt and debris clung to her untameable woolly pelt, leaving her more off-white than truly white in color.

It wasn't really raining now, but the ocean still looked as angry as the dark, twisting clouds that rolled across the sky above. Maple was still a bit damp, though, thanks to her overly thick fur. She was carefully padding along a path that trailed upwards towards one of the higher peaks, looking for shelter in case the sky opened up. The little wolf tried peering into one small alcove in the rocks, only to shriek loudly when a particularly irritable looking raccoon came flying out at her. Maple scrambled away, racing up the trail only to have part of it crumble away as she was making her escape. Her front end started to fall with the rocks, but she caught herself and pulled her body back to safety. Breathing in shallow gasps, she stared with wide brown eyes down at the fall she saved herself from. Yeah, that would have been bad. Better be more careful before something bad happened.