
I'll eat you whole


07-06-2013, 01:06 AM

And then suddenly, all the adrenaline that had been roaring through his system just vanished, leaving the large man exhausted. Haunches collapsed beneath the brute, allowing him to rest against the bloodied earth, tongue lolling from his jaws as he panted, heaving in a few breaths in an attempt to steady his heart beat. That had been one hell of a fight. The last time he'd been in something remotely close to that had been when Desdemona had gotten attacked by those three coyotes. But those had been coyotes. Despite their shaper canines, they were nothing compared to a wolf in size and sheer strength. They had too easy for Demonio to dispatch. Others of kin on the other hand, were a tad bit of a different story.

Mismatched gems flickered towards Alena, bloodied ears raising to attention as she spoke. I apologize. I'm afraid I wasn't much help. My fighting style is much more suited to... one on one, close up attacks. I'm not very familiar with fighting more than one opponent. He shook his head gently, dismissing her apology. There's no need to apologize. You helped greatly. The only thing that matters now is that its over and we're alive.

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