
Couldn't Stay Away [Joining]



3 Years
04-08-2018, 09:25 PM
As Regulus changed his position, Amos’ toes splayed, dragging to dirt to give him traction as he slowed up as assessed the new positioning, tail flagging out even with his spine to maintain his balance. He was already so close, so he’d see the approaching jaws and react by leaving his own mouth parted into a wide, open snarl. He angled his head to the left and rotated to that Regulus’ jaws would snap around Amos’ upper jaw leaving him free to try and close his own mouth around Regulus’ jaws in the hopes of getting his own grip and control of the older male’s head. He could feel the red man’s teeth digging in and leaving mild puncture wounds, but he pressed on.

His eyes stayed narrowed, ears flat, and lips wrinkled around his captured muzzle. Next, Amos sought to pull his head hard to the right and down, hoping to pull Regulus’ head with him towards the crimson male’s chest. Simultaneously Amos’ body pivoted around towards his own left so he’d be more perpendicular to Regulus rather than head-on. His movement made it so that Regulus’ left shoulder would hit Amos’ right shoulder rather than his chest, slight bruising blossoming along the point of impact, while the paw slam landed on Amos’ right paw rather than his left, leaving light bruising there and drawing a light huff of breath from the boy since he could hardly yelp with his muzzle stuck in a predicament.

With His opponent’s balance rather precarious, the yearling decided to capitalize on that. His weight shifted to his other three legs as his left front paw would snake forward, aiming to wrap around Regulus’ left front paw in an attempt to pull toe limb towards Amos and unbalance the man, while at the same time Amos would push his body forward, hoping to knock over the great red giant. Hackles raised along his spine, knees bending slightly to re-balance his weight and keep his own center of gravity low. Scruff and shoulders rolled forward to keep fat and fur up protectively around his vitals.

Amos vs Regulus for Spar
Round 2/3
Height: 36”
Build: heavy    

Notes: Hit me up if you need any clarifying? Hopefully I’m doing okay-ish xD
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]