
Heave Ho, Thieves and Beggars

Echo I


4 Years
04-08-2018, 09:52 PM

She was on one heck of an adventure compared to her usual range. Echo'd done well to stay in the west enjoying the familiar climate it offered. As autumn rolled in, though, she decided to do some last-minute exploring of other lands juuust to see if there was anything cool. She was not disapointed when she pulled herself out of the water onto the shore of an island that seemed rather... occupied, she supposed. There were hints here and there. Paths worn through the island that suggested consistent travel by the same handful of animals, on a more regular basis than what you'd see if they only passed through occasionally.

She was eyeing the tracks,  trying to decipher what they even were. Having never seen a moose before, she just assumed there was a freakishly large deer here. The other ones though, those were harder to decipher. Clearly her upbringing had her at a disadvantage when she tried to do silly things like be some sort of tracker.

The dark woman had come upon one of the odd structures that were nestled at one end of the island when she heard a disturbance in the canopy above. As a card-carrying coward, Echo did what a coward does in the face of literally anything potentially dangerous - she dove straight into the bushed and attempted to conceal her small frame in the foliage as her gold eyes looked frantically around for whatever it was she'd heard. Heart thundering in her chest, she had to use all her willpower to keep focusing on the possible threat while the sudden glimmer of something shiny far ahead to her left tried in vain to demand her attention.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."