
Hidden in the Unknown



6 Years
Extra large

04-09-2018, 05:52 PM

To the best of his capabilities, he did the same as Czernobog and moved alongside the opposite shore of the nearly dried up pool that made up the heart of the Oasis. He stuck to the shadows of foliage and trees, trying his best to remain unseen for as long as possible. The light rain that sprinkled across the desert was on their side, masking the sound of their movements as well as their scent.

He liked this plan that Czern had come up with and decided to stick to it. He was tall, yet lean and quite enjoyed running- as was obvious when looking at the muscle tone in his legs and at his core. He was built like a runner, his fur dark but short and allowing him to remain cooler than most wolves during his runs. He took the initiative to use this skill of his to begin the chase.

The mule deer appeared to be chewing and picking at the surrounding shrubs around the oasis, possibly filling up before it would begin it's journey somewhere else in the west. Elias was inwardly thankful that they had managed to come across not only each other, but a lone doe in the midst of her travel. He was starting to pass a palm tree just fifteen feet away from the doe when her ear flicked in his direction, and he knew what was coming.

His heart raced with adrenaline, but the seasoned hunter was already beginning the process of relaxing his muscles and keeping his joints limber and fluid so that he could run. He launched himself from around the tree just as the doe began to turn her neck toward him, and by the time he was facing him the beast was already barreling forward. Damp sand was kicked out behind him, leaving a wake in his trail as he raced toward her. She started to turn to run, and Elias sucked in a breath of relief as it seemed to be toward the direction where Czern was.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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