
tiny worlds inside your mind



4 Years
Extra large
04-09-2018, 08:27 PM

He stood looking into the territory, his ice blue eyes taking in what he could see. It felt strange, this place seemed to lack any life and the male was regretting the fact he had come here at night. He should have just stayed in his den in the Weeping Woods, but he couldn’t sleep tonight. He had the bright idea to go waltzing around in the middle of the night to explore and to search for things that interested him. The moon happened to be full tonight, giving him lots of light to try and pick out more shiny objects, but as he stood there taking in what he could, he questioned himself about this territory. He should come back when it was daylight, when he could see better, when he didn’t feel like there was a chance of some monster coming out of the shadows to eat him.

His eyes narrowed at the thought, he wasn’t a pup anymore. No there was no such things as monsters, just living breathing animals. The spirits may be around here, but they were harmless and couldn’t do him any ill harm. So he pushed himself forward, lowering his nose to the ground to take in the scents. He would find some trinkets tonight and horde them away somewhere. He needed to get the lay of the land and he planned to do so as quickly as he could manage. He had tasks to complete. He moved along slowly his nose working to pick up the faintest scent of metal, looking for anything that could be of value to him or anyone else. Things that could be used to heal or to hunt, to wear or to even decorate ones den. Things that he could use or trade with. Anything at this point could be useful.

This was the place he had found his satchel, so he knew finding interesting things here was a high possibility even if he meant doing some digging. He had no problem with digging.

"Branch Talk", & 'Branch Think'