
Heave Ho, Thieves and Beggars

Echo I


4 Years
04-09-2018, 09:56 PM

She sat in silence for a few minutes, bright eyes flickering shiftily side to side as she waited to ensure she wasn't about to be tackled by some rabid stranger or something. A cropped ear flicked, piercings shifting with the movement as Echo's mind worked out the odds that someone was living here. Whoever it was, they were no wolf. Some time after the cracking sound that had startled her, Echo  still sat unnoticed, entirely in one piece. It probably hadn't been all that long... still, she was fine, right? All that her ears had picked up was the shuffling of a couple small animals somewhere above in the trees, but she had no reason to be concerned about that alone.

"Nothing to worry about, yeah? You're just paranoid, you mangy thief."

Okay, yeah, that's right. Just paranoid, after years of sneaking around it was habit to leap like a coward at the first sign of possible danger. Now that she felt slightly better, Echo turned sharply to focus on a glittering spot in the dirt. Slinking closer under the cover of the brush, she dug at the dirt and pulled free a- oh, shoot. The portion of what must have been a gold necklace was so short she couldn't have even turned it into a bracelet for a pup. Turning to crawl back through the foliage, Echo made her way back on course to the cabins, laying low as a precaution until she reached the point where the plant-life grew sparse and the dark wolf was forced to saunter her way out into the sunlight, pausing to let her eyes adjust as she entered the clearer, sunlit space.

As soon as she entered the scene, Echo's nose began working, taking in the scents that were most present in the area. As the thought - no wolves were hanging about consistently. Good, as long as there were no other large predators hanging about this space was basically hers for the taking. Maybe the rest of that necklace, or other object like it might be hiding just around the corner. The lithe vagabond was about to follow the tracks she noticed leading through the cabins whens he heard something near the cabin to her right and whirled to look for what it was. There was no cover, so hiding was hardly an option.

Walk. "Speak!" "Think."