
Deep Thinking and Meditation [Gwenevere]



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-10-2018, 04:53 PM
Gwen had only just returned from the east - it didn't seem terribly important to continue her explorations there after her troubling discovery at Fiori's old territories and then... at Abaven...

She'd made the journey back in a daze. It was pure luck that she hadn't accidentally walked off a cliff or stumbled over a venomous snake or the like, because she had not been paying attention to the world around her at all. Her mother, dead? Her parents had always seemed larger than life, too strong and too royal for death to touch them. She had known, intellectually, that she was getting old and that they, therefore, would already have been for some time, but somehow it had never really registered to her that they might die.

Having stumbled into her den after her return, it seemed like she'd been alternating between sleeping and staring at her den wall for only hours before she was startled awake by Regulus' call. She was startled to realize, thinking back to the sun's position each time she'd been awake, that it had actually been the better part of two days since she'd gotten back, and she'd not yet gone to report to the alpha. Or done anything but sleep and lay there, really. What a fine way to begin her tenure as the lead legionary.

She made her way out of her den and across the plains to the meeting rock. Odd how numb she could feel, though she was beginning to feel the cold bite of grief around the edges of her numbness. Despite it all, she summoned a smile for Regulus and his daughter. Incredible how mutations like that could crop up in an otherwise normal bloodline. Well, normal other than Regulus' bright coloration. "Hello, Regulus, Aurielle. What can I do for you?"