
Glaciem Meeting


07-06-2013, 04:59 AM

And so the growing group would continue to bicker, words of spite shooting like venomous pins from bared jaws, false words of blame that would fizzle out of all insulting capability before reaching the harlots ears. If they continued on this way, Eos would be quick to disperse them, the fresh queen didn?t have the patience nor desire to sit and observe as the odious members attempted to poke and shove at her ego; if anything, they were only inflating her pride further. It took more than just a scuff in the dust to cause a stone to shatter through the glass of so many personalities? lives, seemingly destroying their ambitions and replacing them with the unjustifiable need to waste both time and energy on spitting strings of rubbish.

Hell, the way they were carrying on Eos would lose all desire to appeal them with her presence and take her leave. Oh, but wait? No, it was she that had torn apart the flesh of their past chief, she that had bested a colossal beast three times her meagre age. She had earnt this, she had won this turf, won this title. While they all flocked about leading their pathetically low lives, Eos had been pushing her body and mind further than most her age and status would even dare. This was her reward, her kingdom. If she could skin their alpha she could skin them too; of course, at this point there was no need. But if they pushed, if they pushed Syrinx- thoughts were disturbed, emerald gaze switching to rest on her brothers magnificent corpse. They would be sorry, if they pushed the fangs of such a monstrous serpent to the edge. Eos was determined, but she had far more tolerance; Syrinx wouldn?t hesitate to maul a beast at the slightest of uncouth suggestions. They had best beware.

Though it seemed they were not all foolish, a youthful black banshee would creep forward; bashful, uneasy. Eren Her gaze would flicker from her family to her leader, and she would move to sit in front of her queen as if willing to serve. She spoke, and although there far too many words for Eos? preferences, the dame would come to appreciate the ebony vixens choice. Congratulations, girl- you?ve got half a brain in that pretty little skull of yours. Cranium would raise in acknowledgement, and only a bare line would sound her approval, ?Wisdom, the investor of lives.? Slight mystery embraced salmon tongue, gaze holding the ladies own before weight would shift; ah, so now the snowy fae would try to talk her out of it? A low snarl would echo within the chasms of her throat, ears snapping against her skull as she offered clear discrimination towards what the pallid vixen had to protest about. Suit herself, she could leave.

?I lack the fortitude and restraint to sit while such infantile behaviour disentangles before me- if you can?t accept the change, I suggest you take your leave now. I did not call upon you so you could waste my time with childlike opinions; go, dissipate your lives squabbling elsewhere, I don?t care for it,? feminine tones were undeniably stern, though despite the somewhat harsh wakeup-call, her voice lacked any real evidence of sour emotion. So it was just she, her brother and wise dark femme? Fine, numbers were not of significance. But what of the russet babe? Emerald gaze would glide effortlessly to where the youth sat, tongue reserved inaudibly to herself as she observed the going-ons, ?Youth, what of your verdict? Do you too hold a contradiction to the nature of reality, or will you choose to stay- knowing your new leader is trialed stronger than the last? Choose quickly, my patience dwindles.? Seraphiel

ooc/ hey guys! can we start to limit the ammount of ex-glaciem conversation in amoungst themselves now? I'm finding it hard to keep up D: