
The Nosy Explorer



4 Years
Extra large
04-10-2018, 07:49 PM

He hadn't been careful enough, completely missing the scent of the youngster among the other smells within the old barn. There was a lot of old things hanging on the walls, had fallen off the walls, and in some places just piled. This was going to take him a while to sort through and look for useful items for the near future. He had to look at what was desired by other wolves. Things that could be used to trade for things his upcoming pack would need. He had really wished during these times his father would be here, he seemed to be more knowledgeable about trading then Branch would ever be. He would have to learn on his own regardless if he wanted to or not.

Soon the drumming of paws drew his attention, light blue eyes looking in the direction of the young boy. He was running out of one of the out broken stalls and thundering in his direction. His eyes widened for a moment unsure if the youth would try to tackle him or what his plans were. Curiously the boy asked who he was before beginning to accept his paws. Branch didn't mind, he let the young boy sniff. His main concern was were the mother was and if she would be angry that he was so close to their sleeping area.

He looked down at the dark coated boy as he sniffed him, his skin and muscle twitching as the puffs of air from his nostrils tickled a bit. Branch's tail wagged lightly and he turned his attention to him, not wanting to ignore him.

"Branch Wreckage, sorry if I woke you up," he said as he watched him finish his investigation of his paws.

"Talk." & 'Think.'