
your fuchsia smile



5 Years
Extra large
04-10-2018, 09:40 PM
The giant male didn't seem too upset with the child's unending line of questions, thankfully. She lowered herself back to the ground, cautiously inspecting the rounded fruit up close. The pallid youth glanced upwards at the male, nostrils flaring to drink in the strange scent of the fruit. Up north, there weren't many plants, let alone fruits. She liked this place much better, with all of the cool stuff everywhere. "Yes you could, not all at once of course you have to watch for the seeds in the middle. You may try it if you like I have plenty collected that I can spare one," he said coolly. Awesome! Her worsening sunburn forgotten, she stretched open her meagre jaws to try and fit the fruit into her mouth.

"That is called an Apple," he added not long after. Apple. It had a nice sound to it, with the pop of the p's and the soft lilt of the l's. A good name. However, it seemed impossible to eat. Her teeth scraped over the mostly tasteless, smooth skin. Scratching the skin allowed the meat of the fruit to reach the open air, and sweet juice trickled onto her tongue. Snapping her mouth shut, she was left with a quizzical look on her face. Was it a good taste? She smacked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, trying to get a feel for the taste. Nope, she needed more information. "I'm Branch Wreckage and what is your name if you don't mind me asking."

In the midst of slobbering all over the apple, she almost didn't hear him. Attention span of a gnat, as her elder sister often said. Standing up as straight as she could, she beamed up at Branch. She smacked her lips for good measure. "Divo Sveta Lunashka-Morningstar." She announced with great pride. "Everyone calls me Marvel," she added, just as proud of the nickname as the rest of it. "apples are tasty." The decision was made, and she was going to be telling everyone about her tasty new find at home.

"Where does apple grow?" The youth questioned, looking around. Were there more? How did anyone find something so neat?

walk "Talk" think

Table by Asena
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