
Dancers and Highsteppers [Amos]



3 Years
04-10-2018, 09:48 PM
His heartbeat quickened slightly when she approached, reaching up and sweeping dirt from his nose. Oops, he should probably have tried to look a bit more presentable before arriving. Oh well. A lopsided smile formed on his featured as he shrugged, "Guess I got carried away havin' fun." More like being silly and wasting a few hours of daylight, but hey, all in the name of learning the territory he was living in now, so it was still time well spent in the end.

At her words he couldn't help but laugh and offer a mock bow, a final acknowledgement before the dance truly began in earnest. It was hard to tell who'd looked forward to this more. The thought amused him as he prepared to slip into his defenses, smile shrinking as he grew serious though it didn’t disappear entirely. It almost never did.

After a steadying breath, he quickly followed her lead, setting his defenses beginning with that less-than-serious snarl of his that was only just enough to do the job. Next his ears would flatten, eyes would narrow, hackles raised down his spine far more visibly than his opalescent opponent’s. A second, soft breath as his legs settled neatly into positions equally spaced beneath his frame, knees bending, head and tail moving to align even with his spine, chin tucking over his throat while his shoulders rolled forward and scruff pushed fur and skin forward protectively around his vitals. Okay. Ready.

She exploded forward, and boy was she fast. It wasn’t like facing a larger wolf or even someone his size. Without much in the way of training, it was instinct and reflexes that Amos most heavily relied upon. His head shot down, reaching far to his own left in hopes of snagging hold of her right front leg, head twisting left so his upper jaws would aim for the right side of the leg while the lower sought the left, innermost side of the limb. He hoped to get a firm grip on the limb and leave some minor puncture wounds in the process. His movement made it so her attack missed it’s intended mark, but he still felt the sting as her fangs sliced the back of his neck leaving mild lacerations.

He also was a bit slow and not positioned to avoid her following attack, his only saving grace being the shift to his left making it so that her shoulder only just missed his windpipe, instead hitting his chest slightly to the right of center. A huff of air hissed through his teeth and he winced, grimacing further as her paw hit it’s mark, leaving him with moderate bruising in both locations.

He shifted his weight to his other three legs before lifting his right front leg. Feinting a paw-slam, the boy almost dropped the paw but instead flicked the limb forward, seeking to leave some moderate scratches down the front of Aurielle’s left front leg.

Amos vs Aurielle for Practice Spar
Round 1/3
Height:36 inches
Build: Heavy
OOC: Garbage post but there's an 84.7% chance I couldn't do better so here's your tag I'm done fighting with the fight post I got things to do man
[Image: Yos2LI0.png?1]