
Exploring the Colors


07-06-2013, 05:41 AM

Ears pricked in Aeil's direction as the other responded to her, and Irin nodded her head thoughtfully. "It's a gorgeous place." Irin responded with a twitch of her tail. It was far warmer than the cold expanses of northern Alacritia, which had not been Irin's favorite place to be. "I've only seen the view from my den once, though. But I bet it is gorgeous." Irin could feel her thoughts taking off, spinning a wild picture of flowers that bloomed, their brilliant colors igniting the world around them. It was gorgeous, in her mind. And it made her sure that she wanted to come back and explore this place later, when plants had stirred beneath the frozen ground.

Irin smiled a little, tail wagging slightly behind her as Aeil spoke. "It's a lot of fun," The white female responded with a happy nod, "There's always something to see. Not too long ago, I saw a lake with stars trapped under the ice!" There was a note of wonder to Irin's voice as she spoke brightly, grinning happily at the memories of Domovei and the lake that they had met upon. The white male had been quite the mysterious creature, if not the ghost that she would have expected.

A pack? Irin's ears perked up at that, pricking in Aeil's direction once more. "What is Seracia like?" The question spilled from Irin's maw before she could think twice about it. "I bet it's wonderful!" It was full of righteous wolves, she was sure, wolves who obeyed the laws of the land and protected the weak. That had to be it. Though Irin was curious to see if the idea that she had formed for Seracia was accurate.