
Is this what bonding is?

Vale I

The Shepherd

3 Years
04-12-2018, 02:46 PM

Vale finally rose thanks to the burning sensation in his thick neck. The blood there now dried, the crusting around the injury stuck the brute's fur together in that area. It seemed branches from his little makeshift nest had managed to scratch some of the scabbing there away. Beast opened one eye before realizing it was only dawn, the sun still hiding away and revealing a sliver of light over the land. It would be a beautiful sight had this wound not been there, irritating him. Vale couldn't help himself but bite at the scab, nipping and pulling at the dried blood. It was just so itchy, he couldn't just leave it alone. Self-control now out the window, he decided to full on chew away at his own flesh. He managed this for a good ten minutes before he realized it wasn't the best idea, as it only made the pain worse.

Beast huffed before trying to get up, then he remembered the broken toes and the pain came suddenly, radiating throughout his leg. Still, Vale had dealt with worse, and he wanted to get his horn before Elias woke up and left with the carcass. Vale limped to the dead sheep and laid down beside it. His front paws positioned so he had a good hold on its skull as he tried to rip the horn from its skull. After realizing he wasn't going to be able to take this things horn hole, he decided he'd have to break it. However, this thing's horn was thick, it wasn't coming off without putting up a fight. Still the brute chewed away at the horn, stopping every now and then to get a breath. Once he felt the horn was weak enough he would press one of those massive paws on it, near the spot he'd been chewing, and put weight on it. Opposing that weight on the other side by holding the sheep's skull in place with the other paw. A loud snap echoed through the little cave and a grin spread across his maw. He was successful, and he would have to worry about Elias taking his trophy home.

Vale would limp closer to the man and poke at him with his horn. "Hey, get up. Imagine if I was some kind of beast, I could've eaten you by now you big doof." He was surprised the male could have slept through his chewing and snapping. The blood was now dripping steadily from his wound, and if they were going to get some kind of help they needed to go now. Looking back, chewing at the scab definitely was not the best idea. "Hey I'm dying over here, lets go!" His voice only got louder, he didn't wanna poke at sleeping beauty again.

Disclaimer: Vale is unpredictable and could have violent outbursts.