
Is this what bonding is?



6 Years
Extra large

04-12-2018, 05:39 PM

Elias slept rather peacefully through-out the night with no real pain to hinder him from doing so, though when the beast started gnawing away at himself.. Elias could no longer sleep. He was curious as to what the apparently neurotic man was doing to himself, ripping his wound's first scabbing open right before they had a long journey ahead of them back to Lirim's healers. He sighed slightly, though Vale seemed to miss this. His ears remained attentive, but he let his ruby eyes close once again as he tried his best to relax through-out the noise. They had a very long route ahead of them, and Elias wanted to get as much rest as possible to make for the least amount of stops needed on their journey.

He heard Vale begin to mess with the ram's skull and he lowered his ears, trying his best to block out the sounds of his teeth scraping against bone and crunching away until he finally managed to snap and break it. He remembered Vale declaring the horn as his, and Elias did not protest- not vocally. However, Vale would be a fool to assume that Elias wasn't doing him a favor by allowing him to mutilate the kill he'd won in their little spar. He had been through enough fights in his life to know how hindering they could become if any serious injuries came from them, so he decided to pick his battles with this one wisely- besides.. he was still trying to warm up to the barbarian man.

When Vale poked him with the horn, his lip curled only slightly and a single yellowed fang exposed itself on the left side of his maw toward Vale. When he barked his commands again, Elias' fragile mind was beginning to slowly crack. Elias was patient with most when in the right mind, but he was approaching a dangerous level of frustration with this brute's unnecessary display of dominance. If Elias' was to be Vale's mentor, respect would be necessary if Elias' wanted to trust himself not to flip in the middle of their lessons.

He decided to show off just how quick and agile he still was, even if this season was the turn of his fifth year. Every muscle in his limbs tensed, as his back muscles did the same and prickled his short hackles to life while he immediately got up on to his feet. His claws drug against the ground beneath them as he growled, low and loud, toward Vale and snapped the air at the left side of Vale's face. Saliva rolled off his teeth and hit Vale's neck wound in gentle tethers when his jaws snapped shut, reminding him of just who it was that administered that wound in their spar. He didn't bite at Vale's flesh, but he wanted to issue a warning.. and hoped his message came across very clearly.

He flashed him a toothy grin right after, one with his crazed red eyes nice and wide and every incisor, canine and molar alike on display in that daring smile. "You're notttt.." he hissed, "...but," his teeth clicked in dramatic emphasis before he continued on with his words, " will be if you do not control yourself."

He lowered his black lips over his thick set of daggers, sheathing them once again as a look of cool neutrality slowly came over him as long as Vale was calm. His eyes fluttered down to the open wound before he shook his head, "You needed those scabs to keep you from bleeding out, I don't think you realize just how long of a journey we have ahead of us. We are going to the East, to the only healer I know who might be willing to help and do a decent job at it."

He took a few steps away from Vale, looking down to the ram. He didn't want to bring the whole thing, and he didn't want to waste time trying to tear off the other horn like Vale had- instead.. he decided to make this as quick and effortless as he could. He put his left forepaw on what was left of the cracked skull and remaining horn, his right forepaw on the half-eaten shoulder and lowered his teeth to the middle of the beast's neck. He kept a watchful eye on Vale, but began to work his sharp jaws in between the vertebrae of the ram, wedging more and more space between them until he could cut through the precious tendons holding them together completely. He didn't want to waste time, so everything was done in very savage and jerky movements until the head was free and then he grabbed the ram's head by the horn and carried it with him.

He looked back to Vale, giving him a nod of his head to let him know it was time to go. He held his head at spine level with his jaws clenched, though he moved more leisurable than he normally would- being considerate of Vale's broken paw and his neck wound. He didn't want Vale's heartrate to increase too dramatically during their journey and risk the brute bleeding out. No, then he'd never know more about this man's interesting brain and he would be of no use to him. He took him around the Stone Steppe and toward Singing Caverns, where he had spent a few nights not too long ago. They would have to stop and rest here for the night, considering a travel from East to West took a few nights for most wolves. It was alright since these caves were still on their way to Lirim.

He didn't say much at all to Vale, but curled up inside of the caves for a few hours.. allowing them both to get just a bit of rest. He didn't want to linger too long before they set off again, and this time he would be the one to rise the both of them and demand Vale awake. He knew the tunnels attached to those beneath Fenrir's Maw, and after just a bit of wedging themselves through tight fitting spaces- they'd be able to come out through the tunnels that made up Locus Obscuro.

From there, it was a walk across the familiar fields of Buffalo Knolls and The Range, which he tried his best not to let them slow down during this part. Buffalo Knolls were popular hunting grounds, and Elias did not feel up to fighting off anymore wolves or other predators that might be lured to the thick smell of blood the two traveled with. He saw the peaks of the Glowshroom Caverns he'd left Kane at, and knew it wasn't too long then.

OOC: Kurt, you really only need to read from here on in my post, and the next post from Vale- then you're free to enter with Hailey!

On the other side of those peaks was Lirim, though he half-hoped to run into Zuriel around the perimeter picking herbs.. or even Kane, Miach or Daelos. He wanted to avoid another interaction with their alpha if he could help it, but beggars can't be choosers. As they came around the peaks of the caverns, the dunes met them with unforgiving heat transmitted by the noon-high sun. He groaned around the horn of the ram's head before looking back to the darker male in his company, how would he fair in the western sun? They really needed to find a healer.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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