
homeward bound



7 Years
Extra large
04-12-2018, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 10:43 PM by Torin.)

The pack had grown silent again, that Rory was missing was driving the young Adravendi mad. He couldn't help but wonder how they would proceed, would he be elevated to take his brother's place? Would Frostbite seek to rule alone for a time, holding out hope for his brother's return? How long could they manage that? Frost had made it clear that he did not seek to supplant Faite or her children but rather aid Rory til he had deemed Torin ready to lead beside his brother. These thoughts plagued his mind and he knew he'd likely need to speak to Frostbite soon. He refused to be left out of this discussion, his rank be damned.

Still some things had picked up, Hailey had returned to the fold and it helped to put Torin's mind at ease that another healer had been added back into the roster... His aunt had been scarce and Star... well he hadn't seen her since Jewell's pups had be born. Another reason he had to speak to Frostbite, he hadn't failed to notice the way the two of them had looked at each other and he had no doubts that Frost probably wanted to search her out, get some answers.

Little did the young Adravendi know that another of their long lost pack mates would find her way back to their borders.

The call was for his mother, and Torin frowned. Who exactly would be calling for Faite? Rory had gone on their various pack relations meetings... and yet there it was, someone seeking his mother. Maybe it was her brother, the red man Torin had never met and he simply didn't know she was gone again, looking for a friendly family reunion.

Regardless Torin's curiosity piqued he trotted towards the source of the call, a vaguely familiar scent reaching him before he saw her; he paused mid step for a second, trying to place the scent in his memory but it was hazy, from his early life. Even more curious now he approached again with renewed vigor; and when he saw her his brows shot up in sudden understanding.

"Aunt Fortune." He rumbled, deep baritone rising slightly in surprise, he stood tall, much taller than he had ever been when he had last seen her and though a slight smile was tugging at the corners of his lips his body language spoke of his uncertainty.

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Risketch