
Take me to the gods[Open]


03-03-2013, 10:04 PM

Don't throw a temper tantrum with me

This was why she never dealt with children. They were incompetent, headstrong and inexperienced. They thought they knew the entire world when in reality they didn't even know half of it. They were irrational, throwing tantrums whenever they didn't get their way. Ontop of all of that they were impulsive, forgetting to throw caution to the wind and just doing whatever it was that came to their mind, clearly unaware of the consequences. If this child smelt of a pack, surely he had guardians who were responsible for his well being. Guardians that she assumed had no idea he was currently in the battlefield, barganing for the ending of his life.

She could tell he had no interest in what she had to say, just in figuring out if she would complete his request or not. His bi-colored eyes wandered from her own eyes to her jaws, most likely examining the impressive artilery she possessed. The artilery she would have used to end his young life already had she not realized he was part of a pack. She'd never tried to prolong the life of another being. Usually, she was the one to cut others' lives short. Do not tell me your reasons are good child, you know nothing of the world. You have not lived enough to say you have good enough reasons for asking to have your life ended. She growled, audits pinning back against her skull as she raised it, glaring down at the boy as he asked whether she was going to kill him or not.

Destruction shook her head, unable to believe that this was really going on right now. Just because your parents are no longer alive you wish to end your life? That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. I did not have parents, whether because they died or for another reason, but you don't see me calling someone to end my life. I took the hand that was dealt to me and lived with it. You should start doing the same boy. Killing yourself isn't going to solve anything. the dark vixen spoke, tones harsh and repremanding. She'd never tried to talk someone out of having themselves killed, yet here she was, doing exactly that. Was it because she cared? Not really, she just didn't want to have the blood of this child stain her and be the reason she was persecuted.