
One Last Easter Egg



6 Years
04-13-2018, 12:30 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 12:31 AM by Poser.)
<b>Alpha:</b> <a href="">Poser</a>
<b>Proposed name:</b> Young Gods’ Club
<b>Proposed color:</b> #FF69B4 (hot pink)
<b>Proposed lands:</b> Amron’s Castle; The God’s Garden

<b>Why You Should Vote for Me:</b>
Who doesn’t enjoy a deluded leader that gives very few fucks?  Exactly!  The Young Gods’ Club is meant to be a very loose and laid back pack.  Take care of your own, and if there’s more than enough resources, take care of those around you too.  Poser has been through a lot, seen a lot, and at this point just wants to do a bunch of drugs and hang out with those that will “join him in godhood.”  The eating will be good, the drugs will be good, and the times will be good.  This is a pack that will be reaching out to share the lovely times, hold festivals at least seasonally, and enjoy the world around them.  Poser aims to attract many healers and storytellers, and all will be welcome at their table… loose, come and go as you please, and welcoming of all.    

On my side of things?  Well, I’m home (to Ardent) after a long hiatus, and I’m here to stay.  I’ve got a lot of fresh outlooks on Poser’s character, and he’s honestly always been my favorite.  I’m here, active, and my Discord DMs are always open for plots and ears and absolute love for you guys.  For those of you I haven’t met yet, hi, it’s nice to meet ya!  <3

<b><u>PACK INFORMATION</b></u>

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: Adonis
<b>Description</b>: the main alpha, the all father, the man that sits at the head of the table.  He claims responsibility for making sure that the times are good and the wine remains flowing.  His people are his love, and he a great love for them.  

<b>Tier 1 Rank</b>: Cup Bearers (2)
<b>Description</b>: the right and left hands of the adonis.  They are his closest advisors, and always on hand if something should go wrong.  These are friends of the Adonis, and trusted beyond belief.  If something should happen to the alpha, it falls to the cup bearers to take the lead as a team.  

<b>Tier 2 Rank</b>: Hearth Warmers (3)
<b>Description</b>: This is a rank for the shining stars, those that have truly set themselves apart and chosen themselves worthy.  They are invited (read: expected to attend) small council meetings.  This is a group that should be good at a little bit of everything, and can be called on for whatever jobs that may need to be fulfilled around the pack that the Adonis can’t necessarily get to.  Their task list is odd, but their rewards will be handsome.  

<b>Tier 3 Rank</b>: Consort (1)
<b>Description</b>: This role is mainly symbolic.  It’s whoever Poser has taken a shine to at the moment, and can absolutely be challenged for-- with the understanding that a challenge win will not mean promotion to this rank.  They have a bit more power when it comes to helping the Adonis make decisions, but are largely normal citizens unless otherwise noted.  

<b>Tier 4 Rank</b>: Pantheon (∞)
<b>Description</b>: The standard members of the YGC.  This is where everyone starts, and it’s from here that everyone begins to make their mark, write their story, and grab their own piece of history.  

  • Care for those around you.  Pack first, then share with the needy.
  • Don’t intentionally stir the pot, internally or externally.  
  • Communicate.  The Adonis is a friend and a counselor to all, and he’s happy to step in for all necessary issues.  
  • Participate!  Festivals, hunts, learning opportunities.  If you have ideas feel free to step up and present them.  Effort makes the world go ‘round.
[Image: VVdK7m3.png]

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