
homeward bound



9 Years
04-13-2018, 01:00 AM

He was dreaming, and it was none too pleasant as usual. The shadow of his brother haunted him at night, almost every time he closed his eyes. It had been years since he saw his brother. Been years since he spoke to him. But every night, his brother found him. Every night was a nightmare of flashing fangs and hate filled eyes. Every night Rin thrashed in his den, unable to wake up until someone disturbed him or until the first rays of the sun filtered in. It seemed the only time he could get any amount of real rest was during the day, but it still left him tired enough to where he fell asleep at night. He was tired...always tired. He wanted it to stop, but he couldn't. His demons haunted him for as long as he could remember, and he didn't think they would ever leave him alone until he was dead.

The sound of a distant howl began to overtake the snarling of his dreams. Muted at first, a distant echo until it steadily grew louder. Tired eyes flew open to see that there was light outside, heavy breathing and the sound of that howl the only things he could hear. Who was that? He laid there for a moment until the howl died away, and in a state of confusion he remembered. Pulling himself unsteadily to his feet, he stumbled his way out of the den towards where that call had come from. He stumbled over rocks and gopher holes, but he did not stop going until he spotted her. At first, he was in disbelief. But the longer he looked, the more he recognized her.

Fortune had come back! He wasn't sure why he was so happy to see her. Maybe because at one point, she was the only one in the pack that he had spent any real amount of time with. It hadn't been much, but...he didn't forget. And for the first time since he could remember, the skinny, bedraggled males tail wagged. Slowly due to his lack of energy and sorry state, but it wagged. He headed over, watching as Torin had arrived too and greeted her. Rin stopped a few feet from Fortune, staring at her and afraid to blink. Feeling like if he did, she would disappear in a puff of smoke. "Fortune? Is it really you?" He was happy, to finally see a friend again.



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