
The Sound of Something New



1 Year
04-13-2018, 01:02 AM
The barren north was not an unwelcome place for someone like Eden. Everything was a wonderland if you looked hard enough, she'd decided that what seemed like ages ago. Nothing could get her down-- boundless optimism. It would get annoying if you stuck with her long enough, but for now, she was okay. For now, everything was fresh and new and absolutely untamed... a lot like her. Something lovely rested inside her bones, eyes glimmering brightly. A summer yearling, fresh and untainted by all the things in this world... why was she alone? Who left her out here by herself? Honestly, the child was er... forgive the expression? Raised by wolves.

She'd washed up on the shores here a few days ago, and it didn't seem all that bad. Fluffy and warm, sustaining alright off a snowshoe hare here and there, nothing seemed to be wrong. Sure was lonely. Lonely was making her sad, and Eden... well, she's not a fan of that. Silence was not the best environment for a young lady. That, and it looked like rain.

Across the polar sound she absolutely raced. That's the thing about being small and light, you get to go nearly as fast as legs can carry you. The chill of the rain wrapped around her shoulders and starting to soak her fur, she set her sights on an overhang, sheltered by cliffs. That was it. That's where she would go. The running made Eden feel alive, and she was... well, she was ready to not be out in the rain. That would be cool.

By the time she arrived, panting and soggy, she realized that the spot was already occupied. He was bigger than her, maybe not quite full grown, but an adult. She stopped shy of the overhang, leaving what she thought was a polite distance. Voice ringing like a bell, well, Eden had best at least ask. "Ah, um, excuse me? I'm sorry if you live here but uh... can I come in?" As she spoke, a chill raced down the girl's spine. Coming in from the rain would be nice, but she couldn't bring herself to be rude. That would be uncalled for.
