
Kick the Dust up



4 Years
Extra large
04-13-2018, 07:21 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 07:22 AM by Branch.)
He nodded to her murmured words, completely agreeing with her. Even a wolf matching Branch's size would be a fool to try and take down one of those beasts would have a difficult time trying to take an adult down. Even a calf would be hard to catch with angry mamma started to chase. It wouldn't be an easily task and going solo would probably get you killed. Though Branch thought they were beautiful creatures, so big, yet from this distance they look so peaceful. Powerful creatures like these was something he liked to admire when he was first born and currently he still did.

Her words then had his gaze turn back to her facial features as she spoke. He quickly nodded a quite answer to her before she finished her words. He smiled.

"I'm really loving the Weeping woods here in the south," he replied with a nod, those trees are big and a perfect place to live in his eyes. "You know I have a sister that shares your name."

He thought Maple was a pretty name and didn't realize that she didn't care for it. His sister was a pretty female, more brown on her then the rest of his siblings. She had eyes that looked like the maples leave in the fall and she was darn cute as a puppy too.

She then asked about games and she thought for a moment. He hadn't played any games yet, but in sounded fun. He nodded with a smile before she went on to explain what the game was going to consist of. It really did sound fun, but he felt she would easily beat him.

"That sounds like fun! Let's do it," he replied with a smile.