
the devil sent me ✵ joining



3 Years
Extra large
04-13-2018, 08:48 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 01:40 PM by Raquel.)

*:・゚✦ 'And watch as the worms crawl through your flesh.' A sibilating voice echoes in the caverns of one's psyche. Acumen balance portrays an unsavory prudence of past events, which ultimately conjures a frenzied mania to happen into the drought of misery, lost in complete silence of mockery. A kind of silence that wasn't easily subdued by it's victor and instead of the chorus taking a toll, the moniker replayed like an eclipsed record on a broken Victrola.

Beauty. Such succulent beauty. Horror. Such turbulent horror. Athletic limbs moving in synchronizing rhythm as if the ashen deity was wading vigorously against the waves of evil. What would be classified as a dream, was more of a nightmare to the maiden that played it's dirty game. Memory of her twin brother, both good and bad was like a script being sung over and over again by a villainous narrator. The banshee was under a comatose and it was unyielding in its efforts to release her. Appearing as though she was under going some sort of trauma or seizure, the babes twitching muscle fragments were interrupted and eye lids abruptly embraced the light.

Raquel lies underneath a slab of rock for a moment longer, her ears were like antennas, moving to and fro heeding for the sound of her brother's insidious pipes again. But it never came and for this she was grateful for, there was always going to be tension between the twins - always locked in a deadly duel. Finally, she's back on her feet once more and this time she shakes her fur to rid of any debris that got caught in her thick coat. The Latina knew that her departure from her family was one that remained frowned upon, in her previous empire known as Fel'Nova her family was the one and only ruling familia. Deprived from Latin descent, they were looked at as royalty among cowards. However, when Raquel left her beloved father was quick to disown her. Their family had laws, one's that if broken, could forever severe the bond.

Now she's here, in these new lands, apart from her family - who in due time would come seeking her presence again. Raquel takes a couple steps into the light, beneath the sol that hovered above her head. She hadn't the slightest idea where she was, but just a couple inches in front of her person was an invisible line that begun the start of one's territory.
