
Seas The Day!



8 Years

Treat 2019
04-13-2018, 02:19 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 02:20 PM by Enrico.)
A rarely-indulged curiosity had led Mask north, far more north than he had been for quite some time. His shadowy pelt wasn't particularly suited for northern winters, and after a few years in the west of Boreas and down in Auster the cooler temperatures weren't particularly comfortable either. But there were very few wolves who made their homes up here on a permanent basis, and the solitude suited him nicely. No need to wonder if someone was going to wander in and siege them. Less prey, yes, but far less competition for that prey. In Celestial's lands they would always need to worry about the other packs nearby, loners, whether their usual prey would migrate to another pack's territory and leave them hungry. There were no pack territories up here for the prey to wander into.

An enormous structure rose from the sea ice in front of him, still distant over the shimmering light that reflected off the surfaces between him and it, but it drew him like a moth to flame. It was an interesting thing, he saw as he got closer, like an artificial cave system. There were few entrances for invading enemies to get into, but that also meant few exits to escape if necessary.

His attention was drawn from his study of the ship to a trio of creatures already on board it and exploring. From his position lower down, on the sea ice, he watched them warily. Jaguars he knew well from his time in Auster - but what on earth were they doing so far north? And in the company of a wolf?

Having not been actively involved in repelling the Talis raid, he did not recognize Dragon as being the former leader of that particular pack - rather, he saw only a scarred, glassy eyed wolf in the company of jaguars, something certainly odd enough to warrant caution.