
I Once Had A Pair of Siamese Elephants… [Ara]



10 Years
04-13-2018, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2018, 07:32 PM by Ara.)

Truthfully, the surprise alone on a patient's face when told they owed her nothing for her services was plenty payment for her. This was her duty, through and through - she knew both of her parents would be proud to know she served others when she could, especially her mother, so she wouldn't feel right without being selfless when she could. Still Ara wore that warm smile of hers as Ashiel stood, noting that he was being careful not to move recklessly and push off the poultice - or at least she had to hope that was what he was doing. He'd be best to; even if it was only on for a brief while, it would help aid in his healing.

"Eclipse Empire, hm?" Her lips pulled upward as her smile widened, tail swaying gently behind her as something like amusement glimmered in her eyes. "I'd love to visit sometime. Though I'd have to see if -" What was Athena to her? A friend, surely, but somehow it seemed like she was more, especially with the plans they had made to find a pack to settle down in together. "- if my traveling companion would be interested." While she wasn't sure a canyon would be the best place for her personally to call home, it was the first invitation she'd gotten, and she really wasn't sure about his mention of a god either. Ara had never really believed in such things. "Do you think you'll be alright to make it back home, Ashiel?" If not, she would stay with him if he needed her.