
the devil sent me ✵ joining



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-14-2018, 08:56 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2018, 08:58 AM by Ashiel.)
ooc:  Hey there! I noticed your table is breaking the board but it's an easy fix. You just need to close your table.  Most HTML tags come in pairs, a start tag
and an end tag
You've got a start tag but no end tag so the site is trying to stuff everything that comes after (including my post) into your table.  So if you just tack
at the very end of your post you should be good to go!

Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Rolling thunder in the distance vibrated in his chest and echoed between the canyon walls. Turning his emerald gaze skyward Ashiel assessed the clouds as the wind picked up. The storm was still a ways off, brewing and stirring out across the ocean but the westward wind was likely to bring it sweeping across the canyon within the hour. The rainy season was here. With it the river that slithered along the canyon floor would grow restless and wild… and dangerous.

Ashiel moved along the canyon wall, his stride light and elegant despite his muscular bulk. He moved with the assuredly of one that had grown up within the canyon, a beast used to navigating treacherous switch backs and uneven terrain. The Eclipse Empire was quiet for the moment but with a joint celebration with Risen being planned he was sure the pack would begin to bustle. For now he wanted to check the state of the river and the border lines and if there were areas of danger he would be sure to alert the rest of the pack.

Chest expanding with breath and confidence he continued his descent, stopping only when he caught the unfamiliar scent of a woman nearby. Oh? More visitors? He grinned, fangs glistening in contrast with darkened lips. Maneuvering himself along the border he caught sight of a large, dark-pelted woman with a well-built frame. He strode confidently toward her. "You loiter at the borders of the Eclipse Empire, stranger. I hope you have a good explanation for doing so."


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.