
Let It Unfold Out [Pack Meeting]



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
04-14-2018, 10:47 AM
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Griff soared joyously above him as the sun broke free from the clouds that had brought the Empire a light spring rain. Ashiel strode along below his companion as he headed to the usual meeting place with much on his mind. He had many points he wished to discuss with the pack. The first being pack expansion. They were still fairly small yet but he'd been scouting a few territories and wished to get the discussion started. There was the obvious choice of Wraith's Woods which lay at the western entrance into the canyon and then Cedar Falls which lay to the north. There was a chance that the pack had other suggestions as well.

Ashiel leapt onto a bolder that lay at the north end of a large edge near the base of the canyon. In addition he wished to begin instructing his followers on the Abraxas religion as well as learning it himself. There was much knowledge to be gained and shared. Further there was the need for training. He did not want the pack to get used to resting on its laurels. There would need to be battle training as well as training in the other arts. Mainly, he just needed to see where everyone was at and where everyone wanted to go. He wanted his members to have personal ambitions and he wanted to help them achieve these goals. Tipping his head back gracefully he howled for the Eclipse Empire to assemble.


Posts due April 23!
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.