
If there is such a thing as miracles



9 Years
Athena I
04-14-2018, 01:06 PM

When Castiel told her that he was leaving to look for their sons, it was easy for Kalliope to agree to go with him. She couldn't imagine letting him go off on his own, especially not after finding out that he was going blind. Of course she had been quick to teach him her tricks of the trade, so to speak, but she still worried over him. She had tried to convince Etain to stay in Celestial and continue her studies with the healers there since she knew how much Etain had been enjoying that, but it was understandable for her daughter to not trust the two of them being on their own. Kalliope had been on her own for years, but she wasn't nearly in the shape she used to be. Whatever that illness had been that had been plaguing her for a few seasons now had drained her energy. She was feeling a bit better now, but she still wasn't up to the level she used to be.

She walked with her side to Castiel's mostly just for her own peace of mind. Last thing she wanted was for him to run into something or fall into something or for him to get lost. Of course Etain was watching them, but it was still comforting to have him next to her. She noticed when he started to slow down and she matched his pace. At his realization she quickly lifted her nose and sniffed the air. It had been so long since she had seen Viho, but a mother would never forget her boy's scent. A smile stretched over her face and relief nearly knocked the legs out from under her. "It is... It is! Viho! Viho!" she said, her voice getting louder and calling out to him as she started calling his name. Her tail started wagging like crazy, unintentionally hitting Castiel with it in the process.

"Talk" "You" Think