
I'm yelling, "Timber!" [URGENT MEETING]

Sparrow I


7 Years
04-14-2018, 03:00 PM
OOC: This is a rushed meeting! Posts are due on the 17th. I'll post on the 18th. There is no post order and if you wanna debate, feel free to post as many responses as you like. Anyone not posted by the end of the 17th will not be penalized, they just won't be able to give their input.

Sparrow pulled herself farther into the pack. She found a makeshift meeting spot, far enough from the borders that no wandering Abraxas could overhear. It was getting late now. The hours were ticking down. There was no telling, but they could be surrounded. Had Malleus really come alone or were there others surrounding the pack, ready to make sure no one left?

Gods, how was she going to do this? There was going to be an uproar, she knew it. They didn't have the time to have a full meeting. Sparrow would just have to call and see who could show up in time.

Sparrow let out a howl and waited for a response. When others had showed up, Sparrow announced the news.

"The Abraxas have turned their sights onto us now," she said as calmly as she could manage. "I was made an offer of sorts. I could- and will if so decided- fight him in a challenge. If I win, they leave us alone for a time. If I lose, they win Abaven."

Sparrow looked around to judge any reactions before going on. She sucked in a breath and let it loose.

"The offer is that they, instead he promised no harm will come to you," Sparrow said, a very serious look on her face. "Some of their members would live in Abaven, but they will be 'unobtrusive and under strict orders to be professional.' Abaven would act as an outpost, but we would be free to continue otherwise unchanged. That is the offer."

Sparrow let the situation sink in for a moment.

"We know the Abraxas have already taken down two packs. In the past, there have been some decisions made that were the alpha's alone to make. This is not one of those times. I would like us to decide what to do together and I will take full responsibility for your actions."

There was something else that needed considering. Abaven had pups in the pack still.

"However, if anyone tries to leave before I talk to Malleus tomorrow, all deals on safety are off. I don't know to what extent that threat lies, but I ask that you all stick with me until I meet with him again."

With that out of the way, Sparrow sat, "I want you to speak your minds fully. This is a tough decision for all of us, so be thorough and be considerate to one another. Once we've discussed, we'll make the final decision together and I will notify the Abraxas of our decision."